Our Little Guy

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 10, 2008

When Did This Become a Destination?

Kevin and I drove 28 miles today to do our grocery shopping. Simply to get to a store that used to be about 3 miles from our apartment in Portland. It's true, we spend time and gas to save money. But WinCo's prices seriously cannot be beat. This was our second trip since we've moved here, and it's worth it every time. Because we live downtown, and because gas prices are ridiculous, and because we ARE in a recession (I mean come on) food has gotten much too expensive. When I tried to pick up a box of wheat thins and they were $4 I had had enough.

Now my pantry is full and so is my husband's tummy. Today (unlike yesterday) I do not have to negotiate in my mind whether or not Kevin will accept green beans, and cheese for dinner. I would, but his appetite is a little bigger than mine. So every few weeks we will have a saturday that revolves around driving to pomona to go to WinCo. And I even get to buy some Swedish Fish from the bulk aisle.


we are the cool ones said...

OMG not winco!!! Winco gives me panic attacks....i cant do it. Ok, maybe for a good price on tuna cans for Robert. But thats IT. Melody, try Trader Joes. Prices are glorious and food is healthy.

Tiff said...

oops. it pulled up my old blog name.

Kristin said...

Ah, Winco- the very finest in cheap groceries! Jonathan and I are still 1 am Winco shoppers, at least for the next month or so til the presence of a baby will necessitate a new strategy to:
a) get great deals on groceries
b) avoid the horrible crowds that frequent Winco during normal hours of the day

Do they still have our beloved white cake at your Winco? I hope so!