Our Little Guy

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Well, we had our 20 week ultrasound on Friday, greatly anticipating seeing Peapod's goods. Peapod had other plans. Our baby kept its tiny knees glued together. It doesn't help that our doctor's ultrasound machine is ancient, and that everything is a little blurry. We were told that there's a 70% chance that Peapod is a girl. But, after reading about many seventy percent-ers turning out to be the opposite we just feel confused. I even read a blog today in which a couple was given 70% that their baby was a boy. I thought certainly that would be clearer, maybe they use the same ultrasound machine as our office. The good news, no- the great news is that our baby is perfectly healthy! We feel like we were given a huge gift that day just in hearing that Peapod is healthy. So, for the mean time we refer to the baby as "she" but we still feel a little weird since there's still a 30% chance that "she" is "he." So maybe 70% equals "we really don't know what your baby is."

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Last Minute Guesses?

With Peapod's reveal scheduled for tomorrow morning, I thought I'd see what you think our baby is. So, boy or girl? Vote to the right. I think I may have waited too long on this.... Oh well!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Sugar and Spice or Snails and Puppy Dog Tails?

This is the week. In 6 days, or (4 business days as Kevin likes to say) we will find out if peapod is male or female. I've heard there's some sort of debate regarding learning the gender of your child. There is a trend toward not finding out the gender until birth. If you ask the pregnant woman in this camp "what are you having?" she'll quip "a baby." The general argument toward waiting is "it's the only true surprise left in this world." I agree. However, after spending weeks vomiting and re-learning how to sleep I'm ready for my surprise now. I figure at the halfway point discovering who it is in there will help make the next 20 weeks that much more enjoyable. Plus, I am impatient, and I want to buy a cute outfit now to stare at, and lay on my growing belly. I'd also like to refer to peapod by an actual name every now and again, and invite you all to do the same. Yes, soon you all will also know the name.

I keep getting asked "are you hoping for a boy or a girl?" I suppose my answer is "yes." I really don't care, but I can explain myself.

First I grew up with three brothers, and let's be totally honest- it was the best. I could probably write a blog series as to why, but I'll save that. I feel comfortable with boys, and I think in a lot of ways it would be very natural for me to play in the mud with my son and show him how to cook so he can be an all-around catch when he's older. I also love picturing him in tiny vans and hoodies, and seeing him watch the original animated Batman series with his dad on Saturday mornings.

On the other hand. When I picture Kevin with a daughter my heart melts. I think he will be a wonderful father regardless, but when I imagine the two of them dancing in the living room, or her falling asleep in his lap I can hardly wait. I also look forward to brushing her hair, dressing her in skirts and striped tights, and playing tea parties with her.

Now, I admit that since our very first ultrasound my thought has always been that it's a..................................................boy. But, only time and my appointment on Friday, will (hopefully) tell.

Punching Bag

During a meeting this morning the little mango growing inside of me decided to get a little more precise with its kicking. Aiming directly for my bladder. Hmmm, it starts early! Though the tiny little thing felt more like pokes or tickles than full fledged kicks.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

18 Weeks- Sweet Potato

At 18 weeks baby is the size of a sweet potato. I hate sweet potatoes. I mean I really really dislike them. They are simply a starchy vehicle for delicious roasted marshmallows at thanksgiving. I also can't even look at a sweet potato right now so I opted for the soda can size comparison for this week's picture to the right. I use a fun site to check out the size of my baby as we wind our way through the produce section.

Today I decided that I have to meet my crunch cravings with trail mix- including raw almonds and no salt nuts. "What helped me decide this?" you may ask. Well my friends that would be my cankles. Yes, my swollen ankles that I can push a finger into and leave an imprint. All it took was a handful of crackers! I am just thankful we aren't living close to McMenamins right now, because I could seriously go for some cajun tots. Those delicious little bad boys are covered in salt. Oh well. My energy and appetite are finally returning- my tummy is growling while I can smell the brown rice cooking, and salmon baking. I thought I would never get back to a place of opting for food at-home or something other than jamba juice. On that note it takes a lot to eat well during pregnancy. You need a ton of protein, have to avoid salt (boooo!) try to ignore that little voice that says to eat two huge bowls of ice cream instead of one small bowl. Once the appetite hits, oh man watch out! I have been doing pretty well though, and have gained just the right amount of weight.

I can feel our little one wiggling as I type this, and this is definitely my favorite part of pregnancy thus far. At first I thought it would freak me out when it happened. I mean you never feel your insides moving independently, you know? But it turns out, it's a great reminder that baby is there and happily growing ever day and now probably weighs around 7 oz.!