Our Little Guy

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


In the apartment above us lives a man or woman who seems to be a bit obsessive about his/her carpet. S/he vacuums at least once a day. Sometimes s/he will vacuum in the morning, and the evening for good measure. We will hear the vacuum start, then stop, then start again after a missed particle has been spotted. As you can imagine it is very very loud.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Ok here it is, the new haircut. I kind of wish I had taken a "before" of my hair, because I had about 10 inches cut off. Also, be aware that it is shorter in back than around my face. A little A-line action. It was actually the first time I have chopped off my hair and not felt instant regret.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Ok, I know I am totally guilty of neglecting my blog. Such a hypocrite. I complain about blogs that are not regularly updated, and here I am. We just haven't loaded pics from the camera onto a computer, and I still haven't taken any pics of the actual apartment. I hope to remedy this soon.

Anyway, our new studio is on the bottom floor in the middle of our complex. We live in a multi-international community with residents representing countries such as Ethiopia, Korea, and Romania to name a few countries. There are a bunch of little Korean kids who ride bikes and run around our apartment all day. I can't quite tell you how cute it is to hear small children speaking and squealing Korean, while they play.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

We've Arrived

Just a quick update to let you know we are settling in at our new apartment. We will have internet on Friday and I will blog about the trip down, at that time. We are having fun exploring Pasadena, and overwhelmed by how many people we have to tell that we have moved. I will try to get up some photos of our new place, and my new short hair cut soon....

to be continued....

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I left off yesterday mentioning cleaning my oven. This is one of the worst cleaning tasks I have EVER done. It is so disgusting, and I would like to recommend that all renters (or anyone with an oven that is not self-cleaning) clean your oven regularly. I just assumed that my oven wouldn't be too bad. My rationale was, "We've only been here for one year," "I always use a baking dish or cookie sheet," "It doesn't look that bad." Well it was bad, really bad and I have been working on it over the past two days. As a bonus I did wake up with very sore muscles which was nice.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Hot Breakfast

On Saturday Kevin and I joined J&K and Bowza for a walk through their local park, followed by a fun dinner out. Kevin and I had a couple of small baby gifts to give them, and they gave us a wedding present! We were very excited to open our brand new stainless steel Cuisinart rice cooker! Kevin and I eat brown rice a few nights a week, and I have always struggled with getting it to a good consistency. This rice cooker can steam vegetables while the rice cooks, or steam fish or poultry. On Sunday I opened the box and found a booklet of some recipe ideas. I was very excited to find a recipe for cinnamon oatmeal! Being the easily excited, and impatient person I am- I left Kevin at home and ran to Trader Joe's for dried apple rings, and oats. I set the cooker last night, filling it with oats, cinnamon, a little salt, and the apple rings that I cut up. This morning I added the water and 15 minutes later I had a huge pot of delicious steaming oatmeal. I can't wait to eat my homemade apple cinnamon oatmeal every morning. Thanks J&K!

Sunday was also a very important day for Kevin and I. Kevin sold his car! I posted the car on Craigslist on Friday afternoon, and by Saturday evening we had received calls from 8 interested buyers. Our first interested buyer to look at the car bought it! It was so great, and other than Kevin's final week of work we are totally ready to move, the car was the only thing holding us back! Now I need to go clean my oven- blech.