Our Little Guy

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, March 31, 2007


So I am at my parents house in California, the weather is unbelievable and yesterday for lunch I got a salad and iced tea at a restaurant. Strange as it may sound, such a meal is hard to find in Portland. After sleeping for some 10 hours last night I was woken up with Abby in my bed. She was quite excited to be up on the cloud bed, since she is not usually allowed. Today Gma&Gpa are stopping by to say hello. I miss my Kevin so much but I know I will see him soon. It's weird to sleep in a bed alone now. I think last night I was much too sleepy to realize I was alone. I am off to eat some lunch and try my hand at some homework.

p.s. I love you kevin!

Thursday, March 29, 2007


Oh, I feel so embarassed for these men.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

If theology could kill...

I would be its victim today. On Friday morning I will be flying to Oakland to spend the weekend with two of my best friends, maybe you know them- Bern and Cheryl (better known as mom and dad). Plus I get to see Matt and Stepha and who can forget my little Abby dog?? I can't wait, but what it means for me is that I have to write a huge paper between now and then. Have you ever had to tackle the themes of John? OK, so have you been told to show your professor something in the text he hasn't seen before? And the professor happens to have a doctorate in New Testament theology!! Aggh. Yeah, so I've got a good 15-20 pages to write, and read through the book of John 5 more times. It can be slightly overwhelming.

But I take breaks for YouTube Laughs

Monday, March 26, 2007


Guess who is super duper lucky to be married to Kevin? Yeah, well that better be me. I don't think there any others...anyway. For valentine's day my handsome man surprised me with a professional massage. I am finally cashing it in, and today is the day that I will enter the world of pampering. At 1 p.m. I will be dead to the world getting my back worked. I pretty much can't wait. I will let you know how it goes for me.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Name: Melody Occupation: Lunch Lady

After arriving back in PDX in October, I promptly began to work for Kitchen Kaboodle. I loved my time there but the commute was eating more cash than I was making. School began again in January and I needed to work, and what could be more convenient than the cafeteria at MBC? And, what better way to get re-acclimated to the "community" than by serving food to the people who thought I was dead? After one week as a server I was asked to cashier. Yes! Promotion! So, monday-friday 11-2, I cashier in the cafeteria and then I clean. As I perch behind the cash register I watch the students and faculty, staff and visitors. I observe it all and have quickly learned that popularity never goes away, and you need to be in a clique to eat comfortably in a cafeteria, regardless of age or stature. I plan to share only the best of my observations, and of course I'll share about my life and the man who has captured my heart. Hopefully I won't fail as a blogger and I will be consistent, we'll see.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


First post, gots ta get it out of the way...