Our Little Guy

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Tara "tagged" me on her blog and since I am the faithful of all blog readers I gotta do it! This is tricky because my middle name is long. This extra post for February makes it my most blogged month since I started the blog.

Here are the Rules: Post the rules on your blog, and then give your answers. List one fact about yourself for each letter in your middle name. Each fact must begin with a letter from your middle name. If you do not have a middle name, use your maiden name(or create a middle name).

C-college graduate, this one is still new and I am so happy to have my degree.
h-happy, I am a generally happy person. It takes a lot to get me down. I am definitely a "glass is half full" kind of girl.
r- racer, this is actually one I wish for. I think I could kill as a race car driver.
i- imaginative, I can get lost in my own thoughts for hours if I want to. I was a crazy kid and I was(/am) always scheming.
s-spouse, I love my husband, and I can't believe I have been married for almost a year and a half.
t- thompson!!! Though my name has changed, I will always be a "Thompson Kid."
i- international, I love to travel and Kevin says I wish I was European.
n-newsy, I studied journalism and I always want to know what is going on with all things at all times.
a-annoying, I will always be a little sister.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Man With A Truck

I was checking out Craigslist for the L.A./Pasadena area and I saw this self-promotion.

Reply to:
Date: 2008-02-24, 7:16PM PST

Lets face it, you love to shop.....You live for new a friend I'll tell you, you should just get rid of everything and get ALL new stuff....You deserve it, I'm serious and you know it!

and than I will help you....BECAUSE....
I am Man W/ a TRUCK in LA.

You are lucky you found me! Mark ***-***-**** or **********

I have dolly's, straps, blankets and rope. I can fit beds, dressers, dining tables, washers 2 large couches .....etc.....,I fit allot-a you know what! So for whatever you buy out there in our greater Los Angeles Area and beyond. Call me...

Look, I make your life easy, I'm ready and prepared. We can do this! Its the new Yoga! Now go and buy something you can't fit in your car and I'll come help ya out. (Refrigerators...up to 16QF and within about 3 miles on surface streets)

Many references and 70% of my business is call backs and referrals, this is what I do and I can do it with you~

Thank You!

This is half of his business card, I cut the first half to protect his phone number. I cannot in good conscience recommend that you ever allow your dog to ride in the bed of a truck with a dresser, a lamp and a couch. Fido's gonna get squished.

Just to prove his point, he included this.

I love Craigslist.

I dunno

Not much to say here. Kevin and I got walloped with a gross respiratory, super exhausting, icky- flu. He got it first and had to take off two days of work. Over the weekend we took turns lying on the couch and then on a make-shift bed on our floor. I am on day five of being sick and I am just beginning to feel well enough to stand while doing dishes. Ugh I forgot how horrible the flu really is. Poor Kevin probably should not have started back at work on Monday but he's a trooper.

On Sunday Kevin was checking out our "music" channels on our comcast cable. In our drowsy-sick state '80s rock anthems seemed to be the perfect sound track to our morning. As we were listening, our hand-me-down t.v. (which had been hinting at its looming death by distorting our picture to the point that we could not read words, or see scores on the screen) made a whining noise, a pop and then died. We thought it was rather poetic that a t.v. that was probably made in the '80s died while playing a rock anthem.

I have already packed 10 boxes, and we are moving in less than two weeks! We reserved our U-haul, and car dolly. We are towing my car so that we can ride together in the van. And we are trying to visit our favorite people and places here before we are gone. It is overwhelming and exciting. I am so anxious about finding a job in Pasadena, but I have to focus on keeping our move organized- at least that keeps me busy.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Hey, check out my mom's blog for a photo-blog of Pasadena. There are a ton of great pictures. Thanks mom.

Monday, February 18, 2008


Yesterday Kevin and I got serious about cleaning house. Not in the, "let's sweep, swiffer, and scrub" kind of clean house. We got rid of all items not-in-use. It was wonderful. I love getting rid of excess and we filled my car with clothes, books, and random items that we no longer need or want. It has been my experience with previous moves that if I do not go through my stuff I will inevitably pack useless items, such as shirts I haven't worn in 2 years, paperclips "just in case," bouncy balls or pen caps missing their pens. You know the box you mark "miscellaneous" filled with all the items previously listed.

The funny thing about getting rid of stuff is the underlying hope that this old stuff will be replaced with new stuff. When I filled two plastic bags with my worn-out throw pillows I made Kevin promise he would buy me new ones after our move. And yes, I am one of those people who considers throw pillows a "necessity."

I was feeling ill over the weekend with some sort of bug that sucks all your energy and appetite. I hid under the covers on our bed while Kevin dug through his closet. He tossed all items for donation on top of me, and I was so tired I really didn't mind. I have this funny habit in life, where any time I am feeling sick or have an upset tummy all I want is fruit. All day long I asked Kevin to bring me bananas and juice, and after our trip to Goodwill nothing sounder better to me than Jamba Juice.

In other news my parents visited Pasadena over the weekend, and went to check out our new apartment complex. They looked for our new apartment and couldn't find it. So, I am a little confused, and we are beginning to wonder if our "studio" is in fact a large"ish" closet in the parking garage. Man I hope not.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Le Jour de Valentine Heureux

Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you all feel the love, and share the love today.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Look Ma! No Cavities!

Kevin and I got our teeth cleaned simultaneously yesterday. We both were given the good report of no cavities! I am happy about that, no one likes getting their teeth drilled. We were sad to tell our dentist that yesterday was our last visit. Kevin found us the best doctor, dentist, and mechanic. We are kind of dreading beginning the search again.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Photoblog + Apple Love

I love my computer. Apple iBook G4, 14" screen. It is wonderful. I am not even tempted by the macbook. I am so content with this computer and after owning it for a little longer than three years I have had no problems with it. But, somehow I managed to mangle the plug on my power cord. One day it was suddenly very hard to insert the plug into the side of the computer. Upon further inspection the plug part was really bent, and even separated. I must have mindlessly stepped on it, or something. Anyway to keep the plug, plugged in I had to spin the plug into just the right position. Unfortunately I was unknowingly damaging, and ultimately breaking the wiring.

Unfortunately for Kevin he realized I had severed the cords when his pants almost caught fire. My computer sat on his lap when smoke swirled up from the side of the computer. I poked the power cord- it sparked. I yanked it from the computer and unplugged it from the wall. So we went to the apple store yesterday to buy a replacement. I always love opening anything new from apple. It is all so perfectly wrapped, placed, and boxed. I love it.

I chronicled the wonderful experience of replacing an apple product.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Away From Her

Kevin and I watched the movie "Away From Her" last night. It is the story of a couple who after 45 years of marriage have to live apart when the wife develops alzheimers. It is one of the most beautiful movies I have ever seen. The music that plays throughout perfectly compliments the emotion of each new scene. I cried through most of the movie, but I was not left feeling depressed. I especially recommend this movie to anyone who is married.

Friday, February 8, 2008

The Birds

Alfred Hitchcock's movie "The Birds" scared the living daylights out of me when I saw it. Ever since I have been scared of birds, specifically crows.

Every once in a while- ok so maybe every other day. I hear a whistle blown three times in our parking lot. It is our apartment manager calling the neighborhood birds to the seed and crusty bread she has scattered outside her front door. As soon as she whistles, crows start cawwing and dive bombing right at our building.

I'll be honest, it scares me. Plus I think it's kind of weird.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Little Pink Lima Bean

There is one very good reason Kevin and I do not want to be leaving Oregon at this particular time.
Because of this little beauty.