Our Little Guy

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Tara "tagged" me on her blog and since I am the faithful of all blog readers I gotta do it! This is tricky because my middle name is long. This extra post for February makes it my most blogged month since I started the blog.

Here are the Rules: Post the rules on your blog, and then give your answers. List one fact about yourself for each letter in your middle name. Each fact must begin with a letter from your middle name. If you do not have a middle name, use your maiden name(or create a middle name).

C-college graduate, this one is still new and I am so happy to have my degree.
h-happy, I am a generally happy person. It takes a lot to get me down. I am definitely a "glass is half full" kind of girl.
r- racer, this is actually one I wish for. I think I could kill as a race car driver.
i- imaginative, I can get lost in my own thoughts for hours if I want to. I was a crazy kid and I was(/am) always scheming.
s-spouse, I love my husband, and I can't believe I have been married for almost a year and a half.
t- thompson!!! Though my name has changed, I will always be a "Thompson Kid."
i- international, I love to travel and Kevin says I wish I was European.
n-newsy, I studied journalism and I always want to know what is going on with all things at all times.
a-annoying, I will always be a little sister.


Whitney said...

ha! Kevin is right the Thompsons definitely wish they were European that's funny- good luck with the move I'm excited for you guys! Now you will be our closest family members whoohoo!

Tara said...

yay! Good job Melody, I'm proud you did this, we're sure going to miss you when you move. I'm jealous, warm weather...awww that would be nice today.

Kristin said...

Hey we had a great time hanging out with you guys too! I think the ranch dressing ceremony should become a tradition. : )
We are going to miss you guys SO much, and Bowz is going to have to go through withdrawal. Hopefully though your cute niece will draw us together again, whether it is down there or up in P-town. : )