Our Little Guy

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 5, 2007


Wow, I am home in Oregon. I flew back Tuesday evening, and my sweet man was waiting for me with flowers and balloons. We came home and he made me dinner and just treated me like a little princess. My time in California was so nice. I relaxed in the California sunshine, took Abby for a walk, chilled in Oakland, and really enjoyed the down time with mom and dad. Back to life here in PDX, I cashiered yesterday and turned in my biggest paper for the semester, heeeeeeyyyyyyy. This weekend Kevin and I are cat sitting for some friends. We plan to rent a movie and hang out with our little cat friend Felix, or Free-Lix as we call him. Should be some good times.

Cafeteria anecdote for the day:
Yesterday I arrived to work to find that the "dining services" is hosting a campus-wide easter egg hunt. The signs explaining the game happen to be posted around my cashiering cubby hole where I sit each day. Having the signs posted so close to my face, I was asked by nearly every cafeteria patron- "Where are the eggs?" "Are there any eggs left?" "How many eggs are hidden?" "Are the eggs from cage-free chickens?" Ok, maybe not the last one but honestly I got asked with each new customer some question about the silly eggs. I considered allowing the sign to "drop." Then I remembered the manager would freak out. Oh well....