Our Little Guy

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Spring, or something reminiscent

Spring has arrived. In Portland this means that one day it's a lovely eighty degrees and the next it is in the 30's with rain. It's different, but I don't mind it too much. I am looking forward to sunny skies and summer evenings in the park. We took care of felix the cat with success, and now we think we could get a cat at some point. So that's promising.

Today begins MBC's "Spring Lectureship" mainly this is a time when a really important person comes to speak for an hour each day, during what would be chapel. This year our speaker is an amazing man named John Perkins. He is an African American man from Jackson, MS, who many would say has continued the ministry Dr. King would have. I am looking forward to it.

This weekend A&W will be here!!! Man I can't wait. It will be exactly 6 months since the last time I saw them. Also I only have 5 more weeks of classes and today I chose my schedule for the last time! Weird. I am almost a college graduate. With a mere 29 days left in the cafeteria I am so happy. I am ready to turn in my smock and Multnomah hat (on the hat the T is a cross...gag). It's been real, but I'm real ready to be done with it.

Oh, and for those of you who enjoy soccer- my friend Melissa, who was a bridesmaid in my wedding, was playing intramural soccer at MBC last week. She stood with her arms at her sides when another player shot the ball and hit her right arm. Her wrist broke immediately and she went to the doctor. Turns out his misfired shot was so forceful her hand was displaced from her arm. I won't tell you what followed at the doctor's visit, and what she still faces, in case Matt is reading this.


Unknown said...

i'm used to gore on the internets, break it down. i can always scream like a little girl and close the window if i need to...

megan said...

Just curious what your impressions were of Dr. Perkins ...
hi by the way :)