Our Little Guy

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Almost 11 weeks

In two days I will be 11 weeks pregnant. Lately my nausea has continued, and I feel exhausted in the evenings. I recently had to take my Zofran four days in a row, which I was not happy about.

I crave fruit all. the. time. Seriously. I could not be more happy that it is Summer and the selection of fruit is abundant. I want apples, bananas, grapes, cherries, peaches, nectarines, strawberries, blackberries, well you get it. I am not friends with other food right now, unless it is spicy thai food. Yum! I also cannot stand food smells/descriptions. I mute the tv and turn my head during certain commercials I can't write about for fear of vomiting. I am so tired by dinner that I can barely bring myself to boil water. It is pathetic. Kevin has been a life saver doing dishes, laundry, cooking, dealing with my whining, etc.

I am not wearing any maternity clothes yet. Though depending on the day I sometimes keep my pants unbuttoned. It's mainly due to bloating at this point. I think certain friends/co-workers may think I have simply stopped caring about exercise/eating right. The irony is that I have lost weight, not gained thus far.

It's very difficult to be tired all the time, and not feel like myself. But the worst has been my memory! I recently read the word "grapefruit" and didn't know what a grapefruit was. I had to think for a little while to remember.

I take five pills a day- 2 calcium supplements, a B-complex, a DHA supplement, and a prenatal. Sometimes I have a hard time, and have to try twice before I can swallow some of these giant pills.

Next week is our 12 week appointment. We will get to hear the heartbeat again, but this time via doppler instead of ultrasound. If all goes well at the appointment I plan to drop the bomb, via facebook, here, and in person with those in close proximity. In the meantime I am trying to work up the courage to tell my boss.

Sorry that this post is a bit list-like, I want to record as much as possible. Plus I can barely keep my eyes open.

Also, I will soon dedicate a post to a certain item I ordered online that arrived today.


Kristin said...

The losing your memory part only gets worse after you have the baby, sorry to say. I still can't believe the stupid things I forget every day...