Our Little Guy

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 27, 2008

How Do You Spell M-e-l-o-d-y?

Sometimes on Saturdays Kevin and I go out for coffee and breakfast at a place I can only describe as a holy union.

This Peet's Coffee and Noah's Bagels are right next to each other, and you can even walk between the two with a pass through in the wall they share. Kevin and I will sometimes split up, with him waiting for the coffee and me ordering bagels. I always love to see how people hear my name and write it down. This is especially out of control at Noah's. My name will come back as Melanie, Mandi, or Melodi. But today took the cake.

If you look closely, today my name is Melendy.


Whitney said...

Haha. I feel your pain. At church I clearly introduced myself in the pew and was told, "Nice to meet you, Vicki." At fast food places I sometimes like to say my name is Ariel instead. It usually works pretty well.

Kristin said...

I usually use a fake name too when I order because of all of the variations of names that sound like mine. Sometimes it's something easy like Kelly and sometimes I like to use something weird like Ichabod.

Lindsay said...

One time at a fast food place in the mall with Ryan my name became Lemcie, which I though was silly since Lindsay is alot more normal sounding than that.

Anonymous said...

What lindsay is that? I don't eat fast food. And certainly I have no recollection of that story. So you know. Just saying. Although the other day at a takeout, Americanized thai restaurant, the girl carrying my order threw it on the bench when there was no man with the name of Ryan. Ugh.