Our Little Guy

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Shell Shock

Growing up in California, every 4th of July my mom made fried chicken, macaroni salad, and homemade chocolate chip cookies. We would pack up the coolers, fill our trunks with blankets and folding chairs and usually one or two soccer balls. As mom would pack the caddi or the van we would all whine and complain that she was bringing too much. We just wanted to get to the park! By the time we would arrive at Central Park (San Ramon) we were all thankful mom had packed all she had. We would set up and claim a large piece of lawn for the four kids and two parents, plus whoever may stop by throughout the day. At the park we would listen to weird live bands, inevitably cross paths with our school friends, and watch skydivers land with red white and blue smoke streaming from their shoes. Throughout the day we would wander the park, and kick the ball around. When night fell we would gather together to watch the fireworks. After the show ended my dad, my brothers, and I would stand in a circle passing the soccer ball while we waited for traffic to die down.

As I got older I would notice the couples around me, snuggling up under a blanket or holding hands as they watched the sky burst with color. I wondered if someday I might have someone to hold my hand and watch the show with. Kevin and I have been together for about 2 and 1/2 years now and last night was our third 4th of July as a couple, but the first time we have been in the same place. In 2005 Kevin was in Yemen, and in 2006 I was in San Ramon with Kevin here in Portland. So we were really anticipating this holiday.

We were happy to be together but we were missing our families so we chose not to pay to get into a park. Fireworks are legal here in Portland, but some are illegal- if they travel more than 12ft. Last night we walked our neighborhood where we watched a constant show of legal and illegal fireworks. It was amazing, and for the first time I had a hand to hold as I watched the sky. Our neighbors called out "Happy 4th!" to us as we passed. The romance and sweetness of it all ended when we came across some kids playing with fireworks. Their parents were close by, but they were lighting firecrackers and throwing them. We paused to watch a firecracker burn down before walking forward. As we began to walk again this kid chucked a lit firecracker right at Kevin and I. We quickly moved in opposite directions and the firecracker landed between us. The cracking of it was so loud my ears were ringing. The kid claimed he "didn't see us." Right. We were done at this point but it was still a great evening.


erik said...

Such good writing for so stinking early in the AM!!! I can barely talk at that time! In fact most the time I don't.. I am probably snoring.. but thats a bit too personal to share in a comment. We enjoyed getting to spend some of the fourth with you guys!! Thanks for the Surprise Work Visit- brochure toss and all!

Whitney said...

You are a good writer. You should write an autobiography and I will buy it you are amazing!
ps I think God is telling Kevin to go to Dallas Seminary
: )