Our Little Guy

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Birdie, Mulli, Bogey

On Sunday Kevin and I volunteered at an event for the hospital he works at. We signed up to help out at their 12th annual golf benefit. Our previous experiences with volunteering have involved early morning, long hours, and heavy lifting. We enjoy volunteering and try to do it when we have an opportunity.

We were told to wear khaki shorts (blech) and that they would provide a polo shirt when we arrived. We spent a good part of Saturday searching for khaki shorts for me because I have not owned a pair since 7th grade. That shopping trip was an ordeal I will save for another day- but I did find a pair for $11 so it worked out.

Sunday morning we started the day slow with coffee and bagels and drove 30 minutes West to the event. We arrived at The Reserve which is a very beautiful golf course.

We parked and walked to the club house to register. We were given our volunteer polos, a gift bag, and hats. I was expecting some hideous over-sized men's polo, but to my surprise, we were given really really nice Nike golf shirts. The men's are maroon with white stripes, and the women's are burgundy with pink stripes and totally cute and fitted. This was when we realized this would not be our common volunteer experience. We put our shirts on and walked to the lunch tent. The catered food was fresh and delicious.

Next this crazy old man drove us to our hole in a golf cart. He drove the cart as fast as he could cutting straight through the course. Our hole was #5, and was a prize hole! The deal was that if any player could make a hole-in-one they would win a $12,000 motorcycle that was parked at the tee.

Our job was to stand at the putting green and watch for a hole-in-one. We sat in the sun for 4 1/2 hours and watched golf. Every once in a while a cart would deliver cold water to us and ask us if we needed anything. We didn't see a hole-in-one but I did learn a lot about golf and now I really want to play it! Plus some of the players tried to bribe us into calling a hole-in-one. It was a fun day and I told Kevin we can use our new shirts to find each other in Disneyland, or to be serious players if we go mini-golfing.

There were a lot of players, and a lot of golf carts

The majority of players looked something like this

It was hot and I think we all got sweaty


Unknown said...

those last dudes are killing it!

erik said...

I love how much of a NW representative - the guy with a wet towell over his head is... (I'm sure this sentence is scary grammatically!) I love blogs with pictures-- its kind of like when you get something you aren't expecting.. Its a real treat to experience on occasion - animated blogs.. One day soon--- MEEK will go head to head on a putting green!