Our Little Guy

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, January 18, 2010

Taking My Own Advice

On Wednesday of last week I told my boss that I can't keep working until my due date. Fact is, I'd like to be done with work already. But, I decided to make my last day before leave Friday, which is about 10 days before my due date. I had high hopes of working to the bitter end, thinking that it was the only option. But after Christmas I returned to work, and felt horrible. I am so thankful that I made this decision, and I am looking forward to having a week at home before the baby comes. I obviously won't be disappointed if the little one arrives earlier than that either. But, being my first I assume February 2 or later. In recent weeks my doctor has gone back to the original due date that he gave me, so that if the baby is late we can wait as long as February 18 before inducing. So he says February 4, and I say February 2, or the first week of February. I would really like the baby to have a February birthday, and so in my perfect world (where I control everything) I would go into labor on Sunday, Jan. 31 so that I get to February. I am not sure why- but I'm sort of stuck on February.

Anyway, I think we are done getting ready for the baby. This weekend we bought our stroller/car seat, finished the details of our "birth preferences" to get signed off by our doctor, and given to the nurses when we arrive at the hospital, and we even created a gift basket for buttering up the nurses who are on duty the day I am in labor. It is a cute plastic pink tote that includes four starbucks frappucino's, a bag of mint milano cookies, two bags of dove chocolates (dark and milk) a jar of cashews, and a box of apricot fruit leathers. We plan to stick our "birth preference" document in the gift basket just as a thank you.

How far along? 37 weeks, 38 tomorrow!
Total weight gain/loss: 20lbs., according to my last appointment I lost 1 pound
Stretch marks? sigh
Sleep: Sleep is ok, I get up frequently, my hips hurt from laying on either side too long, and I am feeling anxious about labor which keeps me awake sometimes.
Best moment this week: Peapod's little foot has been sticking out on my right side, and lately I like to run my hand along the heel. Sometimes I can almost make out how long the foot is.
Movement: Movement has slowed as baby and I are running out of room, but I "count the kicks" as my doctor instructed me, and I have nothing to worry about.
Food cravings: I was craving nachos, and fulfilled said craving.
Gender: ???
Labor Signs: Contractions are picking up, and I have started vomiting again, which just says to me that my body is preparing for labor- not that it is beginning!
Belly Button in or out? Innie!
What I miss: brie, I think I'll eat a wedge of brie after I have the baby.
What I am looking forward to: Holding my baby and listening to it as it sleeps on my chest.
Weekly Wisdom: It is SO worth it to get things done ahead of time. I have special hospital toiletries, snacks/drinks for while I labor at home, and I bought some cute socks for walking around the hospital in. Peapod's "going home" outfit is clean and laid out, and I bought a brand new (maternity, because I live in reality) top to wear home from the hospital, and feel pretty in. And also snacks for Kevin to eat at the hospital. You may think I'm crazy, but I feel relaxed and confident about my labor beginning.
Milestones: Pretty sure the baby dropped this week, and contrary to what I'd been told- it doesn't feel better, now I'm uncomfortable in new ways.


Lindsay said...

i think i ate an entire wheel of brie after nyah was born.
ill pray for jan 31st. :) im excited for you guys!

Maya said...

so excited! I can't wait to hear all the details of your brave adventure!! XOXO

Unknown said...

You guys are genius with your gift basket.