Our Little Guy

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 19, 2009

29 Weeks or 11 Weeks Left

For some reason this is the first week I've started to think about time left, versus time passed. And 11 weeks seems like such a short amount of time. And at the same time, my friend Erin's due date just passed, and she still waiting and I can't imagine being there! Confusing.

How far along? 29 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Ok, I'll fess up. I have gained 15 lbs. At my last appointment, my doctor seemed very pleased with this, which in turn makes me feel proud. He set a goal for me for the rest of the time, but said that if I go over it's ok too. But at this point he figures I'm on track to gain 20 lbs total. I'm good with that!
Stretch marks? Yes, yes, yes. I hate them!
Sleep: Still going strong on the sleep front. Last Friday night I slept for nearly 11 hours. I also have a new habit of taking short naps over my lunch hour. I sleep for about 30 minutes, and it's pretty much amazing.
Best moment this week: Feeling Peapod roll back and forth. Now that Peapod is nearly 3lbs, those rolls are definitely felt, and seen. One night I changed position and the baby was not amused, and starting punching, or kicking so hard. Kevin got to feel this little in-utero tantrum.
Movement: See above.
Food cravings: Still lemonade, but I am having a minor love affair with milk- the colder the better. I like to leave the milk in a glass in the freezer for a few minutes before drinking it. Oh, and spaghetti! With meat sauce, mmmmmm.
Gender: We'll certainly know in 11 weeks!
Labor Signs: Nope, but the braxton hicks contractions are getting a little more serious, and sometimes uncomfortable.
Belly Button in or out? Holding strong as an innie.
What I miss: With the holidays just around the corner I am missing wine, and brie.
What I am looking forward to: Maternity leave! My boss and I have not even talked about this at all yet. I don't even know if they will hire a temp for while I'm gone. In the mean time I am trying to organize my computer and files to make things easy and accessible for whoever may be sitting here for those few weeks, at least I hope someone will be.
Weekly Wisdom: The only thing that helps my swollen ankles is drinking 16oz of water every hour, and sweating it out at the gym.
Milestones: This week for the first time ever being pregnant slowed down my workout. I was on the elliptical and after only 5 minutes I started to get a painful contraction, so I slowed down- but it didn't help! So I am officially a walking on the treadmill only kind of girl. Sigh.

On Monday we leave for Dallas to see Andy & Whitney and then we're driving from there to Arkansas. I could not be more excited about this trip. Dallas, here we come!


Bern Thompson said...

Put your feet up when you can. Check out support hose to wear while flying? Your doc might have some suggestions. Take good care of yourself.