Our Little Guy

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, August 17, 2009

Week 15/16 and a Special Surprise

Since I began the second trimester my vomiting increased. But the all-day nausea has nearly disappeared. I still have food aversions, and get very very angry at buffets that run commercials at 7am. I don't want to see a Salisbury Steak topped with onions and gravy while I eat cereal!

Happily, I felt the baby move this week! It was so strange. It felt like a little tiny tickle on the inside. It makes me currently imagine the baby as a sea monkey. Specifically a skinny brown monkey wearing pink floaties on each arm. Not like the rip-off sea monkey farm my friend sent away for in 4th grade. The "sea monkeys" arrived in a packet, all dried out. Not at all like the crazy dancing and swimming monkey's from the commercial. Anyway, I love feeling him or her swimming around, and every once in a while bumping into me. I even poked it the other day, and it kicked back, so precious. I wasn't quite expecting to feel movement yet, but it was a nice surprise!

I find it fun, no matter how useless, to try and guess the gender of our baby. The Chinese gender prediction chart says girl, but the thread and needle over the wrist says boy. If you don't know what these are, google them and you will find a whole world of quizzes, charts, old wives tales etc. to determine the sex. I think I'll wait for the ultrasound.

My next appointment is Friday, and I am excited though sad that I have to wait for the next appointment to know who it is that's swimming around in there!


Lindsay said...

Everything told me boy except the chinese calendar thingy, it said I tend to believe that one. Besides I already know you're going to have a girl and name her Myrtle.

Erin said...

Well Joy and I have disproved the heart rate predictor. Jasper is inline with the chinese calendar but Joy's little girl is not...So I don't know what to tell you.

Unknown said...

So...appointment this Friday? :)

melody said...

looking at blogs on your birthday, eh, Stepha? I will blog about that appointment soon. And about the one I am (literally) counting down the days to. 24! :) :) :)

Tiff said...

yay! Melody, how fun! Isnt it incredible that a human is running around inside of your body?!
BTW dont you love how websites and books are comparing the current size of your growing child by veggies and fruits? hahaha i used to love that