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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Week 7

Week 7 of my pregnancy has not come without a bit of commotion and excitement. On Monday night (June 15) I ate dinner and vomited twice. On Tuesday I left work at 12 with a massive headache. After a three hour nap, I woke up nauseous and hungry. I ate a little something, and the vomiting began. I think I vomited on and off for the next 6 hours. I tried taking Dramamine to calm my belly but couldn't. I couldn't even keep down water. On Wednesday morning I tried to sip a little water, and the vomiting continued. By this point I had not had any fluids since 2pm the day prior. We called my doctor, and were sent to urgent care. I was given two bags of saleen, and some anti-nausea medication via IV, and told that I have Hypermesis Gravidarum. Doesn't that just sound fun?? I basically have severe pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting.

I know that this is a general description, so I want to try and explain what this feels like. In the weeks prior to week 7, I had all-day nausea that was annoying, but not awful. This new nausea is a beast. As soon as it begins I feel like the whole world is rocking, and my stomach feels like I have a horrible stomach flu (you know the feeling where your stomach turns sour, hurts, and you know you are about to throw up?). Well, once I start throwing up, it just gets worse, the pain increases, the moving sensation worsens, and I literally cannot stop throwing up. While we waited in urgent care, Kevin would place his hand gently on my back which would nearly send me over the edge. It was awful. The good news is that I have a prescription for Zofran (the medication I received in the hospital) and our insurance actually covers it! Thank God. Because I had to take it again this morning.

Last night we saw "Away We Go." It is a wonderful movie, and one that I highly recommend. Particularly if you are expecting a baby. I don't really want to ruin it, but it was so timely, and an all-around beautiful, funny, touching, and well-acted movie. We saw it with our friend (who is 8.5 months pregnant) and her husband.

This morning after taking my Zofran and getting over my little episode we went out for bagels and coffee. (which, as a side note- let me be honest here, I am not giving up coffee. You may now be concerned that my little one will have an extra leg because of this. But I only drink about 4oz. of coffee on weekdays, and the occasional small latte or mocha on the weekend. I actually crave coffee, and it's my personal choice). We then went to a Goodwill Bookstore to look for children's books. I was very happy to find a Fraggle Rock counting book, "The Pokey Little Puppy," and a couple of Sesame Street, and Whinnie the Pooh books. We got 8 books for $4. Not bad.

I will be 8 weeks tomorrow, and looking forward to my first OB appt. and ultrasound on the 26th.